Exploring Options to Bypass Lengthy Probate Process
Hi, I’m Oklahoma attorney Meg Prestidge. Today I want to discuss a topic that I actually get a lot of questions on and it’s this question. How can I avoid probate? And I usually get that because the person calling me has watched maybe a sibling or a friend go through a long, drawn out, expensive probate. So I want to try to answer the question for you today, how can I avoid probate?
One of the ways that you may, and you’ll notice I use the word may, and I will get through that as I go through details of why may, is you can do things like what’s known as a joint tenancy warranty deed. And on that it would be something like your spouse. So it would be you, the person calling me, and your spouse listed on the deed, and it doesn’t have to be for your home, it can be on any real property that you own. So you would own it in joint tenancy with rights of survivorship.
Another way that you might possibly be able to avoid probate is through creating what is known as a living revocable trust. And I will go into a little more detail about that at a future date. Other ways you might be able to avoid probate are things called transfer on death deeds, maybe creating a life estate where you name remainder men.
Need Help? Contact an Attorney
If you have any questions or need help from an Oklahoma probate attorney, please reach out to me at oklahomawillandtrust.com. We offer a low-cost consultation to discuss your specific situation. Don’t hesitate to give us a call. Avoiding probate can save you and your loved ones time, money, and stress. Take the first step towards protecting your assets today.