Gun Trusts Provide Legal Protections to You
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My name is Jason Lile. I am a Tulsa probate lawyer. And I wanted to talk to you about a specific trust that’s specialized, that you might need, or you might consider whether you need. And I’m talking about an Oklahoma gun trust.
We call them gun trusts for short, but they are trusts that are specified and carved out under Title II of the National Firearms Act. And you might be wondering whether you need one or what one is. So let me tell you a little bit about those.
Especially in today’s political environment, no matter where you fall in the political spectrum, if you find yourself to be a gun owner, and specifically you have taken the time and energy, and money to get such weapons as silencers, fully automatic weapons, shortened shotguns, suppressors, all of those things require a tremendous amount of paperwork, special licensure, et cetera.
Now, when you have those firearms, and you’ve invested the time, energy, and money in them, you need to know what happens to them if you are incapacitated. Who takes care of your firearms? If you die, who gets your firearms?
And you need to do that because those licenses handed out for those specific firearms are only for the applicant. You are not even supposed to let somebody fire a gun with your suppressor on it, or it’s a crime.
So you want to protect the people you let use these guns, who are co-using them with you, who you pass them onto, or who might care for them if you’re incapacitated. So for all of those reasons, you need a firearms trust.
Firearms trust is something that allows you to privately say that you want to enable the transfer of ownership, co-use, or someone to hold your firearms for you if you’re incapacitated and has a legal carve-out where it is legal for these people to do that, inherit them, or use them, or take care of them for you under the federal law.
It protects your family, your heirs, you, your legacy, and most importantly, your privacy. Because if you own those types of firearms and you aren’t private about them, it could cause several problems. Someone could target you to rob you.
People who are firearms enthusiasts are concerned about their privacy and sense that they don’t want the federal government to know beyond what they already know with the licensure. So there are just a lot of benefits to having a gun trust. I have experience drafting these. And if you need help with a gun trust or have questions about specialized firearms like that. If you ever need a Tulsa Estate Planning Attorney, a Tulsa Will Drafting Attorney, or a Tulsa Trust Attorney, you can contact me at